Frequently Asked Questions
General Overview of How we Handle Your Case
Most accidents happen by the preventable negligence of some other party. Many people believe personal injury only happens to someone else. But when the unthinkable happens to you, Freedland Harwin Valori Gander, PL is there. Your first contact with our firm will most often be a phone call. One of highly trained staff members will conduct a thorough intake interview of about 15 to 30 minutes, gathering basic information about your case.
Next, you will be provided with a follow up appointment to speak with one of our attorneys. Most of the time, this is conducted in one of our office locations. However, if need be, one of our investigators or attorneys will arrange to come out to your home, workplace or other location of convenience for you. Locally, this can be as soon as a few hours. Depending on your location and travel time, this meeting will usually take place within 24 hours.
Once you have met with the attorney handling your case, it will be assigned to the proper department of specialty. There, your case will be handled by the legal assistant and attorney specializing in the area of our practice your case facts dictate. You will be promptly contacted by the legal assist and his or her team members to provide you with all necessary guidance and assistance throughout the duration of your case and to its successful conclusion. At Freedland Harwin Valori Gander, PL, we strive to always provide, you, the client, with the highly personalized legal representation you deserve.
Video FAQs

free consultation anytime, anywhere.
What do I need to bring with me on my first visit?
At your first visit you should bring all information you have regarding the incident, all medical bills in your possession, a list of all doctors and hospitals, and your other healthcare providers with addresses, and the last three years of tax returns, if you have lost wages as a result of the incident. You may be asked to bring additional information at the time your appointment is scheduled.
If I want to hire Freedland Harwin Valori Gander, PL, how will the firm be paid?
Freedland Harwin Valori Gander, PL works almost exclusively on a contingency fee basis. What that means is that Freedland Harwin Valori Gander, PL does not usually charge its clients an hourly fee. Rather, we agree to accept as payment a percentage of whatever recovery is obtained at settlement or verdict. Additionally, if there is no recovery, the client does not owe any fees. Freedland Harwin Valori Gander, PL works only under Florida Bar and/or court approved contingency fee contracts. In short, we don’t get paid unless the client gets paid.
What about the cost of litigation?
If a client retains Freedland Harwin Valori Gander, PL under a contingency fee agreement, the firm advances all costs associated with the filing of the case. This includes filing fees, investigative costs, litigation costs (including witness fees, document copying charges, postage and other day to day expenses). These costs are recouped out of the proceeds of the settlement. Although, Freedland Harwin Valori Gander, PL rarely loses a case, should we fail to recover on behalf of the client, all advanced costs are usually born by Freedland Harwin Valori Gander, PL.
If I hire Freedland Harwin Valori Gander, PL will I receive the personal attention that I desire?
Absolutely – at least with the practice of law! The attorneys at Freedland Harwin Valori Gander, PL have more than 50 years of combined experience in litigation. We are a plaintiffs’ litigation firm – we don’t defend injury, consumer fraud or coverage cases. Freedland Harwin Valori Gander, PL doesn’t handle anything other than serious personal injury, medical malpractice, Whistleblower cases, pharmaceutical liability, product defect and consumer fraud on behalf of injured plaintiffs.
We believe that the practice of law is an endeavor which requires specialization, so we don’t handle cases involving subjects with which we are not familiar. That is why we don’t handle family law, criminal matters, unemployment or workers’ compensation claims.
Where should my case be filed, and why?
Freedland Harwin Valori Gander, PL has experience, and is admitted to practice, in a variety of states as well as both the state and federal courts in Florida. Moreover, we enjoy close relationships with several firms based in many different states. Therefore, if an attorney is needed in some other state, Freedland Harwin Valori Gander, PL will either make the necessary referral or engage in a joint representation agreement with a firm based in the forum state. In either event, regardless of our arrangement with any other law firm, the client’s fee obligation always remains the same, and Freedland Harwin Valori Gander, PL share whatever fees we are awarded with referral or co-counsel.
Will I have to attend court hearings?
There may be several pre-trial court hearings in your case that you normally will not have to attend prior to the trial date. If your case is litigated, we do anticipate your deposition will be taken, at which time you will be asked many questions by the other side’s attorney concerning your background, the events surrounding the occurrence, and details of your injuries or damages. If your presence is needed for any court hearing, you will be notified well in advance. We will also be able to give you at least several weeks’ notice of the trial date.
How long will my case last?
As much as we try to refrain for lawyerly-like answers…it depends. The court system is severely backlogged, and despite repeated requests from the Florida Supreme Court, the legislature has for years failed to adequately fund the circuit and county courts. As a result, judges are overworked and cases are delayed. But at Freedland Harwin Valori Gander, PL, we aggressively pursue your case and employ whatever methods are necessary, within the rules and ethical guidelines, to move your case as quickly as possible. We realize that while the judge or opposing counsel may have hundreds or even thousands of cases to deal with, you have only one which is the MOST important to you. Because it is important to our client, it is important to us, and we do whatever we can to bring about a timely – and positive – resolution.
If a settlement offer is made, how will I know if it is fair and whether or not I should accept it?
Deciding whether to accept or reject an offer of settlement is often a difficult decision. Based on our experience and knowledge of results in similar cases, Freedland Harwin Valori Gander, PL can advise you of the advantages and disadvantages of going to trial vs. settling out of court. We do our best to always answer your questions so that you can decide whether a settlement offer is fair. The decision to settle, however, is always ultimately the client’s decision.
How do I know that Freedland Harwin Valori Gander, PL knows what it is doing?
One way to select an attorney, and develop confidence that the attorney is proficient and capable handling cases like yours, is to look to previous successes by the firm. (Although past results are not a predictor of future success. Each matter has a different set of facts). At Freedland Harwin Valori Gander, PL, we are very proud of our track record, and the positive victories we have secured for our deserving clients. Please take a moment to visit Past Results link on this website to learn more about our firm’s experience and success.